聖剣伝説3 TRIALS of MANA

[聖剣伝説3 TRIALS of MANA](以下「本ソフト」といいます。)の動画、生配信、画像(以下「動画等」といいます)については、このガイドラインの定めに従ってご利用いただきますようお願いいたします。






  1. ゲームプレイの配信を行うことで法人から給与その他の報酬を得ている方:
    • 個人名義のソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービスで利用すること。
    • 一般社団法人日本音楽著作権協会(JASRAC)と音楽に関する利用許諾契約締結済の動画共有サイト(「YouTube」「ニコニコ動画」等)にて「利用対象」を配信すること。
  2. (1)に該当しない個人の方:


    • ※法人名での利用はできません。
    • ※以下のサイトおよびサービスでの利用はご遠慮ください。
      • ・閲覧に対価が必要となるサイトおよびサービス
      • ・18才以上のみを閲覧対象としたサイトおよびサービス
      • ・公序良俗に反するサイトおよびサービス
      • ・宗教活動や政治活動、反社会的活動に関連するサイトおよびサービス

【 利用条件 】



Live Streaming and Video/Image Posting Guidelines for TRIALS of MANA (Asia excluding Japan)

Square Enix Co., Ltd (“Square Enix”) is delighted to hear that fans want to share videos and images of our games online.
While Square Enix would like to accommodate such requests, the images, videos, characters, music and all other media that make up our games are the intellectual property of Square Enix or its licensors, and therefore Square Enix has set out individual guidelines regarding the use of videos and other assets from each of its games on a title-by-title basis, in order to suitably maintain and protect the settings and stories of Square Enix’s games going forward.
Please adhere to the terms of these guidelines in relation to the use of videos, live streaming, and images (“Content”) of Trials of Mana (“Game”).
*These guidelines shall not reduce or remove any obligations or limitations that you have or will have related to the Game.

[Who can use the Game Materials?]

Individual users (including those who receive monetary payments or other rewards from a corporate body from the streaming of gameplay).

[Included Materials]

The items that can be used in accordance with these guidelines (the “Game Materials”) are as follows:

[Types of Permitted Use]

  1. For those who receive payment or other rewards from a corporate body for streaming gameplay:
    • Use on social network services under a personal name.
    • Streaming of the Materials for use on video sharing sites (e.g. “YouTube”, “Twitch”) provided that such sites have been licensed by the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) for the use of music.
  2. For those who do not fall under (1) above:

    Use of the Game Materials on personal web pages and blogs, video sharing sites, and social networking services. However, streaming of videos and live streams is restricted to video sharing sites (e.g. “YouTube, “Twitch”) provided that such sites have been licensed by the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) for the use of music.

    • *Use under a corporate body name is not permitted.
    • *Please refrain from use on the types of sites and services listed below:
      • ・Sites or services that require payment to view.
      • ・Sites or services that are only aimed at users aged 18 or over.
      • ・Sites or services that are related to religious, political or antisocial activities
      • ・Commercial use is not permitted.
        However, systems that provide revenue to users posting content which are officially provided by video streaming sites (e.g. “YouTube”, “Twitch”) provided that such sites have been licensed for music usage by the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC) can be used.

[Legal Notices]

[Usage Guidelines and Restrictions]

