Piano Collections FINAL FANTASY X
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FINAL FANTASY X, re-arranged by Nobuo Uematsu
Fifteen pieces from FINAL FANTASY X, all arranged under the direction of composer Nobuo Uematsu. The melodies behind fan favorites such as "To Zanarkand," "Thunder Plains," and "Suteki da ne" have really been elevated by being performed on the piano. We are confident fans will find plenty to praise in this splendid collection of piano performances.
- Release Date(JP)
- 2004 Jul 22
- Price
- ¥2,990 (¥2,718+tax)
- 1Zanarkand
- 2Tidus's Theme
- 3Besaid
- 4Hum Of The Fayth
- 5The Travel Agency
- 6Rikku's Theme
- 7Guadosalam
- 8Thunder Plains
- 9Assault
- 10Via Purifico
- 11SUTEKI DA NE (Isn't It Wonderful?)
- 12Yuna's Decision
- 13Servants of the Mountain
- 14Final Battle
- 15Ending Theme