The Star Onions - FINAL FANTASY XI: Music from the Other Side of Vana'diel
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The first-ever album of re-arranged FINAL FANTASY XI music!
The Star Onions get their own album at last! These ten newly arranged FINAL FANTASY XI pieces are performed by series composer Naoshi Mizuta on bass, Kumi Tanioka on piano and synthesizer, Hidenori Iwasaki on guitar, and Michael-Christopher Koji Fox on drums.
- Release Date(JP)
- 2005 Aug 24
- Price
- ¥2,619 (¥2,381+tax)
- 1Vana'diel March
- 2Metalworks
- 3Rolanberry Fields
- 4Kazham
- 5The Forgotten City - Tavnazian Safehold
- 6Mog House
- 7The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
- 8Awakening
- 9Selbina
- 10Blessed in Her Glorious Light -The Grand Duchy of Jeuno-