Vielen Dank -Masashi HAMAUZU
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26 stories given life by Masashi Hamauzu
An original album from the composer behind FINAL FANTASY XIII. Masashi Hamauzu chose and rearranged all of the pieces on this album, including some of his own work from SaGa Frontier 2 and FINAL FANTASY X. There is also a healthy mix of original music composed specifically for this release. Take this opporunity to experience 26 lovingly crafted musical tales.
- Release Date(JP)
- 2007 May 30
- Price
- ¥2,934 (¥2,667+tax)
- 1Winterhof
- 2Wäldchen
- 3Kinderspiel
- 4Das Zelt im Garten
- 5Maiglöckchen
- 6Feuerdorn
- 7Die Ranke
- 8Kleine Teestunde
- 9Die alte Hausmauer
- 10Kaki
- 11Abschiedsküsschen
- 12Feuersinfonie Ⅰ
- 13Stummer Dialog
- 14Aquas Erinnerung
- 15Ewiges Leid
- 16Feuersinfonie Ⅱ aus MUSASHI SAMURAI LEGEND II
- 17Zufall
- 18Botschaft
- 19Interludium
- 20Feldschlacht V aus Saga FRONTIER II
- 21Jenseits der Finsternis aus FINAL FANTASY X
- 22Eisblauer Himmel
- 23Die Wahrheit
- 24Vergessene Tränen
- 25Splitter von Traurigkeit aus DIRGE of CERBERUS -FINAL FANTASY VII-
- 26Aufsteigende Flügel aus UNLIMITED:Saga