A collection of battle themes composed by the father of FINAL FANTASY music, Nobuo Uematsu

A special mini-album with an equally special package: open it up to see an array of weapons available in Eorzea. FINAL FANTASY XIV's battle music is especially noteworthy as it changes depending on where your fight takes place. The adventure of a liftetime starts now!

Release Date(JP)
2010 Sep 29
¥1,572 (¥1,429+tax)


  • 1Opening Theme
  • 2Beneath Bloodied Banners
  • 3Nail of the Heavens
  • 4In the Shadow of the Colossus
  • 5The Forest's Pulse
  • 6Bathed in Woodsin
  • 7Quicksand
  • 8Desert Moon Defied
  • 9Victory Fanfare (Full)
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