FINAL FANTASY XI The Nanaa Mihgo's - Stolen Hearts
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First original album by The Nanaa Mihgo's, the official FFXI cover band
After their performance at Vana★Fest 2012 on June 23rd and 24th to honor FINAL FANTASY XI's 10th anniversary, the Nanaa Mihgo's have finally released their first album! Includes eight new arrangements of tracks like "Kazham" and "Distant Worlds," as well as a rendition of fan favorite "Ronfaure" that is sure to get you up and moving.
- Release Date(JP)
- 2013 Sep 11
- Price
- ¥2,934 (¥2,667+tax)
- 1Kazham
- 2Bustle of the Capital
- 3Fighters of the Crystal
- 4Distant Worlds
- 5Rolanberry Fields
- 6The Pioneers
- 7The Grand Duchy of Jeuno
- 8Ronfaure