LORD of VERMILLION III Original Soundtrack
- Physical Copy
- Download Distribution

Enjoy the colorful soundscape of LoV III!
Fans cried out for more of Tachytelic's futuristic take on the soundscape of LORD of VERMILLION, and here it is: the soundtrack to the hit arcade trading card game is now available! The team of internationally-oriented artists has written and arranged a total of 31 tracks for this album.
- Release Date(JP)
- 2014 Sep 24
- Price
- ¥2,547 (¥2,315+tax)
- 1Code : Vermilion [Main Theme]
- 2LoV Rave Go Go!
- 3Elder Tower
- 4Rhythm Fang,Over Sword
- 5Screaming Doo Doo !
- 6Red String Break
- 7Over the Pride
- 8Jungoole Moomba
- 9Step Devil Step
- 10Anger : Z E N N O
- 11Tentacle Dread Hot Beat
- 12Burning Eyes
- 13Code : Vermilion Ⅱ
- 14scene No.
- 15scene No.
- 16scene No.
- 17scene No.
- 18scene No.
- 19scene No.
- 20scene No.
- 21scene No.
- 22scene No.
- 23the Doom Room
- 24System Clap
- 25Win - Shot
- 26Lose - Down
- 27Victorious Troops
- 28Parallel Spacy Space
- 29Times End
- 30Red Flamers - destiny - child [Ending Theme Ⅰ]
- 31Wind to Wind [Ending Theme Ⅱ]