A compilation most raid dungeon!

The background to so many duels fought by countless Warriors of Light...

Release Date(JP)
2018 May 20
¥3,630 (¥3,300+tax)

Official Site



  • 1Primal Timbre
  • 2Spiral
  • 3Calamity Unbound
  • 4Blades
  • 5Tempest
  • 6Rise of the White Raven
  • 7From the Ashes
  • 8The Coil Tightens
  • 9Answers
  • 10Hubris
  • 11Ever Upwards
  • 12Tumbling Down
  • 13Out of the Labyrinth
  • 14Shattered
  • 15Blind to the Dark
  • 16Hamartomania
  • 17Hunger
  • 18The Reach of Darkness
  • 19Eternal Wind


  • 1Sins of the Father, Sins of the Son
  • 2Locus
  • 3Metal
  • 4Metal - Brute Justice Mode
  • 5Exponential Entropy
  • 6Moebius
  • 7Stasis Loop
  • 8Rise
  • 9Aetherpause
  • 10In Darkness, There Is One
  • 11Voidal Manifest
  • 12Freedom
  • 13Teardrops in the Rain
  • 14Torrent
  • 15A Thousand Faces
  • 16Promises
  • 17Shadow of the Body
  • 18Forever in Flames
  • 19Beyond Redemption
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