Parasite EVE I & II オリジナル・サウンドトラックBOX
- パッケージ

「パラサイト・イヴ 」シリーズのゲーム音源が限定ボックスで登場!!
多くのファンからの支持を受け「パラサイト・イヴ」シリーズの2つのオリジナル・サウンドトラックが復刻化決定!それを記念し、この両作品をパッケージングした製造限定盤商品としてリリース。作曲は「聖剣伝説Legend of Mana」「キングダム・ハーツ」シリーズなどを手掛ける下村陽子と「FINAL FANTASY XI」シリーズ、「FINAL FANTASY 光の4戦士」などを手掛ける水田直志が担当。
- 発売日
- 2011.01.26
- 価格
- ¥3,981 (¥3,619+tax)
- 1Primal Eyes
- 2Waiting for Something Awakens
- 3Overture(from opera ""La mia verita"")
- 4Se ll mio amore sta vincino(Vocalise)-Eva's Aria-
- 5Memory Ⅰ
- 6Gloom and Doom
- 7Theme of Mitochondoria
- 8Sotto Voce
- 9Arise within You
- 10Main Theme(Piano Solo Version)
- 11The Surface of the Water
- 12Memorize of ""Aya and Eve""
- 13Out of Phase
- 14Urban Noise
- 15Mystery Notes
- 16Influence of Deep
- 17Phrase of Aya
- 18Phrase of Mitochondoria
- 19Theme of Aya
- 20Under the Progress
- 21Plosive Attack
- 22Missing Perspetive
- 23Memory Ⅱ
- 24Force Trail
- 25Phrase of Eve
- 26Memory Ⅲ
- 1Matrix
- 2The Omission of the World
- 3Wheel of Fortune
- 4Kyrie
- 5Across the View
- 6Femmes Fatales
- 7A Piece of Remain
- 8Musica Mundana
- 9U.B.
- 10Escape from U.B.
- 11Main Theme
- 12Theme of Aya(Reprise)
- 13目覚めよと呼ぶ声が聞こえ
- 14Somnia Memorias
- 15Consensus
- 16Someone calls me....,Someone looks for me......
- 17Main Theme(Orchestral Version)
- 18Influence of Deep-CM Version-
- 19Se ll mio amore sta vincino-CM Version-
- 1Forbidden Power(Theme for Aya)
- 3Aya Again
- 4Don't Move!
- 5Nightmare in the Battlefield
- 6Deadly Calm
- 7The First Encounter
- 8Tower Rendezvous
- 9Metamorphosis
- 10Watch Out!
- 11Ambush!
- 12What the Hell Happened?
- 13Do Something!
- 14Weird Man
- 15Return to the Base
- 16Ghost Town
- 17Hunt in Dryfield
- 18Don't Shoot!
- 19Douglas' Blues
- 20Water Tower
- 21Hiding Place
- 22Dryfield
- 23The Bottom of the Well
- 24Stealth Assault
- 25Heaven-sent Killer
- 26The Depth of Aya's Memory
- 27From Dusk Till Dawn
- 28Vagrants
- 29Dark Field
- 30Gigantic Burner
- 31Douglas' Grief
- 1Voice of Mitochondria
- 2Pick Up The Gauntlet
- 3Abandoned Mine
- 4Into the Shelter
- 5Wipe Out the Creatures
- 6Hold Your Breath
- 7Crawling Waste Emperor
- 8Chase
- 9A Sigh of Relief
- 10Passing Through the Sewer,You'll Find...
- 11Battle on the Waterside
- 12Inner Part of the Shelter
- 13Innermost of the Shelter
- 14Negative Heritage
- 15Man Made Nature
- 16Ark
- 17Fool's Paradise
- 18Mitochondria Reactor
- 19Mental Deranger
- 20Stalker
- 21Cruelty of Eve's Fate
- 22Killing Field
- 23Golem Soldiers
- 24Prestige of the Nation
- 25Intrusion
- 26Brace Yourself
- 27Brahman
- 28Distorted Evolution
- 29Logic of the Superpower
- 30Aya's Diary
- 31Epilogue
- 32Gentle Rays
- 33Weird Man(Delete-Core Mix)
- 34Hiding Place(Comfortable Mix)