Privacy Notice
※ English follows Japanese
- 法令の遵守
- 当社は、個人情報の取得、利用その他の取り扱いについて、個人情報の保護に関する法律を遵守します。
- 個人情報の利用
以下に定める目的のために、当社は個人情報を当社の関連会社に開示する場合があります。- 応募者の皆さまへのご連絡
- 募集要件に合うかどうかの選考資料
- 今後の採用活動のための統計資料
- 採用決定後における雇用管理上の基礎資料
- 保存期間
- 当社は、利用目的に必要な範囲で個人情報の保存期間を定め、保存期間経過後は、遅滞なく個人情報を適正な方法で消去又は廃棄します。
- 安全管理措置
- 当社は、個人情報の漏洩、滅失及び毀損を防ぐため、必要かつ適切な安全管理措置を講じるとともに、その改善に努めます。
- 従業員及び委託先の監督
- 個人情報の取り扱いにかかる管理責任者を置き、個人情報を適切に管理します。
- 個人情報にアクセスする権限を持ち、適切な教育を受けた当社の役員及び従業員のみが利用目的に必要な範囲で個人情報を取り扱います。
- 当社は、「個人情報の利用」に定める目的に必要な範囲で、個人情報を取り扱う業務を第三者に委託することがあります。
- 第三者への開示
- 法的義務遂行のために必要な場合
- 裁判所、検察庁、警察、弁護士会、消費者センター又はこれらに準じた機関その他の団体・個人から要請等を受けた場合
- 当社、個人情報をご提供いただいたご本人又はご本人以外の第三者の生命財産又は名誉信用の保護のために必要と認められる等、正当な事由がある場合
- 個人が特定されない方法により利用する場合
- その他、法令により第三者への開示又は提供が許容されている場合
- 個人情報に関するお問い合わせ
- 規約の変更
- 当社は、この「個人情報の取扱いについて」を随時変更することができるものとします。
- 以上
Privacy Notice for Career Applicant:
Square Enix Co., Ltd. ("SQEX") will administer the personal information (“Personal Information”) that you provide in accordance with this Notice.
- Compliance with Legislation
- SQEX will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information with respect to the acquisition, use, and handling of Personal Information.
- Use of Personal Information
SQEX will use the Personal Information only for the purpose set forth below. SQEX may share the Personal Information with its affiliates solely for the purpose set forth below:
- To contact with the applicant
- As reference materials whether the applicant meets the job requirements
- As statistical materials for future recruiting activities
- As basic employment-related administrative materials after hiring the applicant.
- Retention Period
- SQEX will set a retention period for the Personal Information to the extent necessary for the purpose of use, and will delete or discard all Personal Information through appropriate methods after expiry of the period.
- Safety Control Measures
- SQEX will take all necessary and appropriate safety control measures when handling the Personal Information in order to prevent the divulgence, loss, or damage thereof, while also striving to improve these measures.
- Supervision of Employees and Trustees
- SQEX will appoint an administrator to handle the Personal Information and to ensure the proper management of the Personal Information.
- The Personal Information will be handled solely by properly trained officers and employees of SQEX who are authorized to access such Personal Information.
- There may be cases where SQEX entrusts the handling of the Personal Information to third party. In such cases, SQEX will obligate the trustee by way of a contract, etc. to handle the Personal Information properly, and will exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over the trustee.
- Disclosure to Third Parties
SQEX will not, except in the following cases, disclose or provide the Personal Information to a third party without obtaining your prior consent:
- Cases in which it is necessary for SQEX to fulfill legal obligations;
- Cases in which disclosure of the Personal Information is required by a court, prosecutor’s office, police, bar association, consumer affairs bureau or other institution, entity, or individual similar thereto;
- Cases in which there is due course, such as for the protection of the life, property, honor, or credit of the individual supplying the Personal Information or other third party;
- Cases in which the Personal Information is used in a way that does not lead to the identification of the person; and
- Any other case in which disclosure or provision of the Personal Information is admitted by legislation or regulations.
- Inquiries concerning Personal Information
SQEX will respond as swiftly as possible if you request to disclose, correct or delete your Personal Information. Please contact the following e-mail address for the disclosure, correction or deletion of your Personal Information.
When requesting disclosure, correction, or deletion of your Personal Information, SQEX may confirm that you are the person by information (name, address, e-mail address etc.) that can identify you personally.
If not stipulated in this Notice, SQEX will handle your requests according to the Privacy NoticeContact to:
Human Resources Department of Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Mail Address- Mid-career
- New
- Change of the Notice
- SQEX has the right to change, amend or revise this Notice any time without any notice to you.
- Last Updated: October 25, 2021