New melodies set the stage for our heroes as they embark on their next adventure…

Experience the adventures once more in this Blu-ray Music Disc album that collects 93 songs from Patch 6.1 through 6.5.

Release Date(JP)
2024 Mar 27
¥5,500 (¥5,000+tax)

Official Site


  • 1One among Wonders
  • 2Pilgrimage
  • 3Radiance
  • 4In the Balance
  • 5Ink Long Dry (Journeys)
  • 6The Map Unfolds
  • 7Hippo Ridin'
  • 8Troian Beauty (Endwalker)
  • 9FINAL FANTASY IV: Battle 2 (Endwalker)
  • 10Somewhere in the World (Ambitions Writhe)
  • 11Battle with the Four Fiends (Buried Memory)
  • 12To the Sun (From Astral to Umbral)
  • 13On Blade's Edge
  • 14Finality
  • 15Heroes Forge Ahead
  • 16Desert Sun
  • 17A Quiet Moment
  • 18Island Paradise
  • 19Subterranean Sanctuary
  • 20Cradle of Hope
  • 21Silent Scream
  • 22Scream
  • 23Embers
  • 24White Stone Black
  • 25Warming Up
  • 26Festival of the Hunt (Endwalker)
  • 27Run! (Endwalker)
  • 28The Heavens' Ward
  • 29Heroes
  • 30Freefall
  • 31Contention
  • 32Hallowed Halls
  • 33Heavensward
  • 34Dragonsong
  • 35Primogenitor
  • 36Revenge Twofold (Orchestral Version)
  • 37Favor
  • 38Rhythm of the Realm
  • 39Dedicated to Moonlight
  • 40Dreamwalker
  • 41Inexorable
  • 42Deep Blue
  • 43Forged in Crimson
  • 44Forbidden Land (Endwalker)
  • 45Equilibrium (Pulse)
  • 46Oblivion (Pulse)
  • 47A Long Fall (Pulse)
  • 48Neath Dark Waters (Pulse)
  • 49Deltascape
  • 50Heartless
  • 51From the Heavens (Orchestral Version)
  • 52eScape
  • 53Torn from the Heavens (Concert Version)
  • 54Prelude Demastered
  • 55The Land Reborn
  • 56Pom from the Heavens
  • 57A Victory Fanfare Demastered
  • 58Battle 2 from FINAL FANTASY III
  • 59Imperium
  • 60One Amongst the Weary
  • 61Fleeting Moment
  • 62Athena, the Tireless One
  • 63Ultima's Perfection (Endwalker)
  • 64Crimson Sunset (Journeys)
  • 65Looping in the Deepest Fringes
  • 66Storm of Blood
  • 67Triumph
  • 68Crimson Rise
  • 69Starsbreath
  • 70Another Moon (Endwalker)
  • 71Voidcast Savior
  • 72Sorrow and Loss (Endwalker)
  • 73Kingdom of Baron (Endwalker)
  • 74FINAL FANTASY IV: The Final Battle (Endwalker)
  • 75The Red Wings (Endwalker)
  • 76Tonitrua ex Machina
  • 77Idylls of the Empire
  • 78Forevermore - The Grand Duchy of Rosaria
  • 79The State of the Realm
  • 80Before the Storm - Caer Norvent
  • 81Away (Refrain)
  • 82To Sail Forbidden Seas
  • 83Find the Flame
  • 84Who I Really Am
  • 85Land of Eikons
  • 86O Speaker, Slumber
  • 87O Hunter, Rejoice
  • 88Thus Spoke Master PuPu
  • 89Polygons of Inquiry
  • 90A Gentleman to Walk with Me
  • 91Fair Winds to Guide
  • 92Course Uncharted
  • 93Myths of the Realm
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